Picture of Red N Hot, WC2H 0NE

Historical version 12 of Red N Hot, WC2H 0NE (view current version)

Good Sichuanese restaurant on Charing Cross Road. They have another branch near Euston Station.

Offers an all you can eat buffet for £7.50, or takeaway box for £4. Two different soups, about six starter dishes and about ten main courses - about half of which are vegetarian.

They also do a la carte, and hotpots, which may not be evident from the outside. The internet suggests that unless you're visibly Chinese, or you make it very clear that you want the interesting/authentic stuff, you might have trouble getting the best out of this place — but that it is worth persisting. If you're after the Sichuanese stuff then you probably want to avoid the buffet. The hotpots are probably a good bet.

See also:

Last visited by ruudboy, 29 August 2007.
OS X co-ord: 529944 OS Y co-ord: 180912 (Latitude: 51.511690 Longitude: -0.127218)
This is version 12 (as of 2011-01-30 19:46:02). View current version. List all versions.