Historical version 1 of BrewDog, NW1 0AG (view current version)

  • 113 Bayham Street, NW1 0AG
  • Mon-Thurs 12-11.30, Fri-Sat 12-12, Sun 12-10.30.

Brewdog is a pub specialising in craft beer in Camden Town. It is run by Scottish brewer Brewdog, they have other venues in London such as Bottledog, WC1X 8TP, BrewDog, W12 8QQ and [Brewdog, SW11 1HG]?.

secretlondon visited one Friday evening in August 2015. It is quite small with two floors and two bars. We sat downstairs but the bar there only sold bottles so we went back to the ground floor for beer.

They had Brewdog's own beer and a rotating list of guest beers which is on their website. I had a pint of Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier which was about a fiver and a pint of Fourpure's London Beer City 2015. Other people had Punk IPA. They sold stronger beers by the half or third. They also sold some food. Their website says they sell hot food but they only sold cold when I was there, but it was late. I had a large pork pie which I remember nothing about.

There was a toilet downstairs, I do not know if there was also a toilet on the ground floor.

Last visited by secretlondon, August 2015. Opening hours from website.

This is version 1 (as of 2015-08-15 16:50:16). View current version.