Picture of Tichenham Inn, UB10 8DF

Historical version 8 of Tichenham Inn, UB10 8DF (view current version)

Wetherspoons pub in Ickenham.

Built in 1999 on the site of an old petrol station, the pub's interior has fairly standard Wetherspoons features, with a low ceiling and traditional decor, though the lighting is better than average for this type due to a large skylight in the centre of the pub. It's not a large space, though room has been found for a single instance of the Standard Wetherspoons Booth. It also has some outside seating at the front, in a little area marked off from the pavement with some robust-looking planters.

Kake visited on a Thursday afternoon in July 2013. There were a fair few people in, and a good buzz of conversation. No music was playing. A flatscreen was showing golf with the sound off.

The Wetherspoons cider festival was on, and they had at least four of the festival ciders/perries, plus four or five interesting-looking real ales. A half of Waddlegoose Lane cider was £1.05.

Child-friendliness: A sign on the wall (as of July 2013) states that children are welcome until 9pm, with last food orders at 8pm.

Accessibility: Step-free to get in, and there's an accessible toilet on the ground floor. Other toilets are up a flight of stairs with a sturdy handrail on both sides (though the stairs are too wide to use both handrails at once).

See also:

Last visited by Kake, July 2013. Opening times taken from the Wetherspoons website, July 2013.
OS X co-ord: 507885 OS Y co-ord: 186211 (Latitude: 51.563967 Longitude: -0.443374)
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