Picture of St Margarets Station

Historical version 7 of St Margarets Station (view current version)

Zone 4 rail station on the Kingston Loop Line and the Hounslow Loop Line.

All trains from this station eventually end up at Waterloo, but due to its position on not one but two loop lines, some are faster than others. The most direct trains go via Richmond (anticlockwise on the Hounslow Loop and clockwise on the Kingston Loop) and take about 30 minutes. Trains via Kingston (anticlockwise on the Kingston Loop) take about 50 minutes, and trains via Hounslow and Brentford (clockwise on the Hounslow Loop) take about an hour.

See also:

Journey times calculated from the National Rail live departure boards, April 2008.
OS X co-ord: 516832 OS Y co-ord: 174228 (Latitude: 51.454474 Longitude: -0.318310)
This is version 7 (as of 2011-05-17 20:53:50). View current version. List all versions.