Picture of Red N Hot, WC2H 0NE

Historical version 5 of Red N Hot, WC2H 0NE (view current version)

Good Sichuanese restaurant on Charing Cross Road.

Offers an all you can eat buffet for £7.50, or takeaway box for £4. Two different soups, about six starter dishes and about ten main courses - about half of which are vegetarian.

They also do a la carte, and hotpots, which may not be evident from the outside.

Ian Fenn warns in the review linked below that (at least as of June 2007) not all of the menu is translated into English. They may also not be licensed to serve booze (not sure).

See also:

Last visited by ruudboy on 29 August 2007.
OS X co-ord: 529944 OS Y co-ord: 180912 (Latitude: 51.511690 Longitude: -0.127218)
This is version 5 (as of 2008-05-28 16:04:15). View current version. List all versions.