Historical version 1 of Mr Lawrence, SE4 2PH (view current version)
- 020 8692 1550 (beer shop) / 020 8694 0506 (wine bar)
- 391 Brockley Road, SE4 2PH (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
- mrlawrencewinemerchant...
- noon-9pm Mon-Sun (beer shop)
Wine bar and wine/beer shop near Crofton Park Station.
The beer shop is truly excellent. A huge range of interesting bottled beers, both British and Belgian, and the stock is changing all the time. They also sell real cider from a small producer. Kake visited in February 2008 and met one of the proprietors, a very knowledgeable and helpful lady who took me through a good proportion of the stock giving me background on the different breweries and producers. I bought as much beer as I could carry and plan to return for more.
(I didn't check out the wine section - at the back of the shop - nor the wine bar itself.)
See also:
Last visited by Kake, 18 February 2008. Opening hours taken from the Mr Lawrence website, February 2008.
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This is version 1
(as of 2008-02-19 14:47:25).
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