Newman Arms, W1T 1NG
- 020 7436 9777
- 23 Rathbone Street, W1T 1NG (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
- thenewmanarms.co.uk
- Mon-Sat: noon-11:30pm; Sun: closed
A long-standing but tiny pub in Fitzrovia with plenty of literary connections, like a lot of the pubs in this area.
It was taken over by Truman's in mid-2018; see older version of this page for what it was like before.
We've only made a very brief visit since the takeover, in September 2018 — there's no longer any accessible seating on the ground floor, which made it impossible and indeed undesirable for us to stay long enough to give it a proper assessment. However, we did note four real ales on handpull, all from Truman's: Lazarus, Runner, Bow Bells, and Scorcher.
Accessibility: A step to get in. All the ground-floor seating is on high stools.
See also:
Last visited by Kake, September 2018. Opening hours taken from the Newman Arms website, September 2018.
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Last edited 2023-09-05 13:20:00
(version 16;
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