Bill's Cafe, SE5 0EZ
- 33 Camberwell Road
- 6:30am-4pm Mon-Sat or Mon-Sun?
This greasy spoon has closed as of the start of 2012, and according to secretlondon is reopening as a Ghanaian restaurant.
This is a newly opened (as of November 2008) greasy spoon on Camberwell Road near where it becomes Walworth Road, in Camberwell.
secretlondon visited one Saturday in November 2008 and had the large all day breakfast (£5) photo. They charge 20p extra if you have coffee rather than tea.
The radio was playing Heart FM.
Accessibility: One step half way down the cafe but there are tables before the step. The entrance involves a 90 degree turn so could be too tight for a wheelchair. If it has toilets they weren't checked.
Last visited by secretlondon, November 2008.
Last edited 2015-03-13 11:29:48
(version 9;
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