Picture of Pontefract Castle, W1U 1QA

Historical version 1 of Pontefract Castle, W1U 1QA (view current version)

Nicholson's Pub on Wigmore Street.

bob and several others visited on Thursday evening in September. The pub is on three levels. A ground floor which is the main bar area and set up for vertical drinking, a mezzanine up a spiral staircase for dining and a cellar bar downstairs which isnt always open and has less choice of real ale and is supposedly also a champagne bar. . The cellar bar has sofas.

On our visit the Celt(£3.15) and the Tribute(£2.90) were both very drinkable. Thee were several others on at various times. People who had food seemed to be happy with it.

Accessibility info: Toilets downstairs.

See also:

OS X co-ord: 528469 OS Y co-ord: 181283 (Latitude: 51.515362 Longitude: -0.148329)
This is version 1 (as of 2010-09-05 13:07:44). View current version.