Historical version 3 of Oddbins, EC3V 1LR (view current version)

  • 020 7626 4570
  • 17/19 Central Avenue, Leadenhall Market, EC3V 1LR (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
  • 9am-7pm Mon-Fri; closed Sat-Sun

The City branch (in Leadenhall Market) of the high street wine merchants, who also provide a respectable range of beers and spirits.

Holds one of the largest collections of the premium wine range. Tastings are held on the last Friday of each month.

See Category Oddbins for further comments that apply to all branches.

OS X co-ord: 533095 OS Y co-ord: 181047 (Latitude: 51.512169 Longitude: -0.081781)
This is version 3 (as of 2008-02-24 17:17:48). View current version. List all versions.