Picture of Nicolas, W1T 1RW

Historical version 5 of Nicolas, W1T 1RW (view current version)

  • 020 7636 5526
  • 25 Charlotte Street, W1T 1RW (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
  • 10am-9pm Mon-Wed; 10am-10pm Thu-Sat; 11am-8pm Sun

The Fitzrovia branch of reputable French wine merchants Nicolas.

Opening hours taken from the Nicolas website, February 2008.
OS X co-ord: 529479 OS Y co-ord: 181616 (Latitude: 51.518124 Longitude: -0.133657)
This is version 5 (as of 2008-03-12 09:57:22). View current version. List all versions.