Picture of Magpie, EC2M 4TP

Historical version 30 of Magpie, EC2M 4TP (view current version)

Pub just off Bishopsgate, near Liverpool Street Station. Note that it's closed on weekends, like most City pubs.

Quite small and hence probably gets very crowded when the weather's not so good - no problem on our visit though, since most of the customers were standing out in the street. We sat on the nice leather benches at the back, nice and snug though the linearity of them does tend to segment a large group.

The beer was well-kept. London Pride was £2.50, Landlord £2.75, and by a process of elimination the Addlestone's must have been around £3.20. (One of our rounds was around £11.20 for a pint of Addlestone's, one of Pride, and two of Landlord.)

The Good Beer Guide says that bar food is served lunchtimes and evenings; however, notice spotted in September 2007 said that a full menu is served Monday-Friday until 10pm. This could, however, be referring to the restaurant upstairs, the King Edward Bar and Dining Room photo, which specialises in pie (pies are supplied by Dunkley's of Northamptonshire).

Accessibility: ladies' loos are upstairs, gents on ground floor.

See also:

Last visited by Kake, bob, Adam, Billy, pfig, Martin, etc, 13 September 2007. Opening hours taken from the 2008 Good Beer Guide.
OS X co-ord: 533368 OS Y co-ord: 181554 (Latitude: 51.516662 Longitude: -0.077657)
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