Picture of London Beer Dispensary, SE4 2PH

Historical version 4 of London Beer Dispensary, SE4 2PH (view current version)

Pub in Brockley. It was previously run by the Late Knights brewery, but changed hands in August 2016.

There are two rooms. The front room can seat about 25 people and contains the "bar" (not an actual bar, just an area where the beer is and the staff will serve you). Down a step from there leads past the toilets to a back room which has some sofas and can seat about 20.

bob visited on a Monday afternoon in August 2015. A pint of cask Late Knights Worm Catcher (£3.60) and another of kegged Gypsy Hill Dissident (£5) were both very good.

According to their website as of August 2015, food is served noon-3pm and 5pm-10pm. It mostly consists of burgers.

Accessibility: A step to get in. Another step to the toilets.

See also:

Last visited by bob, August 2015. Opening hours taken from the London Beer Dispensary Facebook page, August 2015.
OS X co-ord: 536482 OS Y co-ord: 174668 (Latitude: 51.454032 Longitude: -0.035463)
This is version 4 (as of 2016-08-23 14:00:08). View current version. List all versions.