Picture of Landor, SW9 9PH

Historical version 13 of Landor, SW9 9PH (view current version)

Pub in Clapham. It was in the 2007 Good Beer Guide, but not the current edition.

Has a theatre upstairs. Food served all day Saturday, 1pm-5pm Sunday, no food Monday.

On a visit in December 2007, the beers available on tap were London Pride (£2.85/pint), 6X, and Greene King IPA.

See also:

Last visited by Kake, Ewan, and other Tube Walkers, 22 December 2007. Opening hours and food details taken from the 2007 Good Beer Guide.
OS X co-ord: 530287 OS Y co-ord: 175747 (Latitude: 51.465189 Longitude: -0.124184)
This is version 13 (as of 2011-06-26 14:25:44). View current version. List all versions.