Historical version 1 of Kentish Drovers, SE15 5RS (view current version)
- 020 7277 4283
- 71-79 Peckham High Street, SE15 5RS
- jdwetherspoon.co.uk/pu...
- Sun-Thurs 9am-midnight, Fri-Sat 9am-1am
Wetherspoon's pub near [Peckham]? Library.
secretlondon went here in June 2008. It is quiet and a bit soulless, but safer than a lot of pubs in Peckham. It also does real ale.
See also:
Last visited by secretlondon, June 2008. Opening times taken from pub's website.
This is version 1
(as of 2008-10-04 19:45:02).
View current version.