Picture of Gregorian, SE16 4SQ

Historical version 10 of Gregorian, SE16 4SQ (view current version)

  • 020 7231 0353
  • 96 Jamaica Road, SE16 4SQ (show map links)

Pub on Jamaica Road a short walk from Bermondsey Station. Bob was unimpressed; on a Sunday night, none of the hand pumps were on, though they do normally seem to have Pride and Bombardier on.

A pint of lemonade and lime was £3.20! (April 2007)

The BITE comments and Fancyapint review linked below suggest there's free wireless internet.

There are benches and things outside where you can smoke.

See also:

GPS data collected by bob on a Garmin eTrex, 1 April 2007, and released into the public domain: OSGB 534294, 179405

Last visited by Bob, 1 April 2007.

Comment added by Kake: Courage Best and Bombardier, other two handpumps not in use. Pint and a half of Bombardier plus a packet of bacon fries 5.05. Slightly annoying background music but not too loud. Several other customers but not packed by any means. e61 can't see any wireless networks. Right-hand side of pub divided into separate areas, booth-like bits plus a sofa area, frosted glass privacy screens.

OS X co-ord: 534294 OS Y co-ord: 179405 (Latitude: 51.497128 Longitude: -0.065137)
This is version 10 (as of 2008-09-06 18:03:58). View current version. List all versions.