Picture of Clarendon, N1 4PR

Historical version 5 of Clarendon, N1 4PR (view current version)

  • 020 7249 6430
  • 92 Mildmay Park, N1 4PR (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
  • noon-11pm Mon-Wed; noon-midnight Thu-Sat; noon-11pm Sun

Good Beer Guide pub in Dalston. It was returned to its original name in late-2011 after a period of being The Nobody Inn, but with no change to management.

According to the 2011 Good Beer Guide, there's a pool table, they serve Westons scrumpy, and Thai food is available noon-3:30pm and 5pm-10pm Mon-Sat, 12:30pm-10pm Sun.

The Thai food is provided by The Black Orchid, who also do the food at the John Baird in Muswell Hill and the Waggon in Southgate.

See also:

Opening hours taken from the 2011 Good Beer Guide.
OS X co-ord: 532920 OS Y co-ord: 185188 (Latitude: 51.549428 Longitude: -0.082739)
This is version 5 (as of 2011-12-07 11:18:58). View current version. List all versions.