Historical version 6 of Chumleigh Gardens Cafe, SE5 0RJ (view current version)

Cafe situated in converted listed almshouses in Burgess Park in Camberwell. There is also outside seating in the gardens. The best way to access this is from Albany Road.

Although Burgess Park may seem a bit plain, Chumleigh Gardens is actually rather nice. There are formal gardens such as an Islamic garden nearby, and the cafe is also convenient if you are having a meeting in the neighbouring children's centre.

secretlondon visited in August 2009, and had a pleasant lunch on a picnic bench with colleagues waiting for a meeting. I had one of the daily specials which was a Cajun chicken wrap (£3.50) and a banana (50p). My wrap also contained cheese and seemed to have been put in a panini press, which was unusual.

Accessibility: They say they are fully wheelchair and pushchair accessible, and an anonymous commenter tells us that step-free access is "from the side entrance".

See also:

Last visited by secretlondon and colleagues, August 2009. Opening hours taken from the Chumleigh Cafe website, August 2009.

Comment added by secretlondon: This has moved (grand reopening on Saturday 11th sept) and seems to have been retendered. As it's a new venue and a new company running it I think we should say it is a closure and a new business, even though the name will be the same.

OS X co-ord: 533135 OS Y co-ord: 177783 (Latitude: 51.482825 Longitude: -0.082437)
This is version 6 (as of 2010-09-09 21:56:35). View current version. List all versions.