Picture of Canton Arms, SW8 1XP

Historical version 5 of Canton Arms, SW8 1XP (view current version)

A pub near Stockwell Station.

Note: According to Stockwell News, the Canton Arms closed in late 2009 and may have been acquired by the team behind the Anchor and Hope in Borough; it's due to reopen on Thursday 18 February 2010.

bob visited prior to the change of management, on a Thursday evening in September 2009. There were several people drinking outside and a few inside.

Landlord (£3.15 a pint, £1.60 a half) was available, but Pedigree and Sussex Best were off.

The kitchen was closed and no indication was given that this was unusual.

See also:

Last visited by bob, 10 September 2009.
OS X co-ord: 530457 OS Y co-ord: 176981 (Latitude: 51.476241 Longitude: -0.121282)
This is version 5 (as of 2010-02-15 15:26:15). View current version. List all versions.