Picture of Anakana, EC1Y 1HQ

Historical version 5 of Anakana, EC1Y 1HQ (view current version)

Hip Thai restaurant close to Old Street Station.

Dont be shocked the outside looks like its called piya piya. They are the same place.

At lunchtimes there is an all you can eat buffet for about £8. Limited selection but quite tasty. There were extra chillies.

Seems to be a bar as well called Piya Piya possibly.

They also have a normal menu, the fried squid and Pad Thai were very good quality.

The deep-fried corn cake starters were excellent, and the duck was also very good. The coconut rice, however, was expensive and not very nice. Instead of rice with coconut milk, it was fried rice with large, tasteless slices of coconut; not recommended at all. -- StigBrautaset

Opening hours verified via email, 6 June 2007.
OS X co-ord: 532798 OS Y co-ord: 182341 (Latitude: 51.523869 Longitude: -0.085571)
This is version 5 (as of 2007-12-04 14:41:49). View current version. List all versions.