Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 7 and Version 6 of Matsuba, TW9 1RW

Version 7 Version 6
== Line 18 == == Line 18 ==
== Line 20 == == Line 20 ==
== Line 22 == == Line 22 ==

Matsuba is a very nice Japanese restaurant in Richmond. It's small, but you don't feel cramped.

Ranguard has visited several times. The 'squid and asparagus' and 'zucchini' starters are fantastic. The noodles and sushi are very good as well. I can recommend their Matsuba roll (Prawn tempura wrapped in rice and a strange mayonnaise sauce).

It gets very full in the evenings and I've heard reports of slow service, but during the day (Sat afternoon) which is when I usually go we've never had any problems.

It is a little pricey, but worth it.

See also:

Last visited by Ranguard, May 2008.

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