Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 3 and Version 1 of Mr Ribs Kitchen, E15 1XQ

Version 3 Version 1
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Brazilian cafe in Stratford, located inside the Market Village section of the Stratford Centre (the shopping centre just across the road from the main entrance to Stratford Station, in the direction away from Westfield).

It's a small space, seating just 8 people on regular upright chairs and a further 12 on somewhat small and flimsy quarter-circle seats which pull out from round tables. The walls are in dark red and bright yellow, and decorated only with small chalk boards advertising juices and desserts. Squeeze bottles of home-made sriracha-style chilli sauce sit on the tables, along with jars of farofa (toasted cassava flour) for sprinkling on stews to thicken them up.

It's related to the butcher two units away (Mr Ribs), though there's another cafe in between them (Brazil Express). Unsurprisingly, then, its daily-changing menu focuses on meat. As of March 2019, beans, rice, beef stew, and picanha (beef rump cap) are available every day, while the other options vary but might include oxtail, chicken fillet, feijoada, or liver.

Kake visited on a Monday lunchtime in March 2019. There were no other customers when I arrived around 11:45am, but a few turned up shortly after noon. Music was playing, not too loud.

I wasn't in a meaty mood so went for just beans and rice, which they suggested I add salad and fried eggs to (£7 in total) photo. It was pretty good. The beans were perfectly soft without falling apart, and their sauce was thick and savoury. The eggs had runny yolks and went very well with the vinegar-tinged chilli sauce sitting on bottles on the tables. (There's cassava too, for thickening.) The salad was fine. Rice was fine too, and a generous portion.

Tap water came straight away on request, in a pint glass. Service was friendly and helpful.

Accessibility: No steps to get in. Toilets are in the adjoining shopping centre (no steps, and there's a RADAR-locked accessible one).

Last visited by Kake, March 2019. Opening hours obtained from a member of staff, March 2019.

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