Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 18 and Version 17 of Willow Walk, SW1V 1LW

Contents are identical

Wetherspoons pub near Victoria Station. It's long and narrow, with very little natural light. There's an entrance at each end; the bar is at the Wilton Road end.

It has two banks of six handpumps each, and according to the 2009 Good Beer Guide, the guest beer range is "better than the average Wetherspoons".

Kake and bob visited on a Sunday afternoon in December 2008. Many of the handpumps had "festive" guest ales on (all at £2.49/pint). We had Christmas Cracker (Wickwar) and Plum Pudding (J.W. Lees).

A fairly unobtrusive flatscreen was showing football with the sound off. There were lots of people in, and only a couple of tables free. No background music, but plenty of conversational noise (not too much though).

Accessibility: The Wilton Road entrance has a small step down just inside the doors, and the Vauxhall Bridge Road entrance has three steps up. Level access to bar, toilets, and all of the seating once you're in.

See also:

Last visited by Kake et al., June 2014. Opening times and food info taken from the 2009 Good Beer Guide.

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