David Cantrell
Full Monty Cafe, CR5 3EA
- 01737 558 498
- 207 Brighton Road, CR5 3EA (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
- 6:30am-2:30pm Mon-Fri; 6:30am-2pm Sat; 6:30am-1pm Sun
This is a basic roadside greasy spoon, and it's great. If you're south-bound on the A23 having gone through Coulsdon, it's on the left after the first roundabout and the Land Rover dealer. There's a tiny car park and a layby for trucks.
Food is basic greasy-spoon fare — good big breakfasts reasonably cheap - for example, their largest set dish, of 2 eggs, 2 slices of fried bread, bacon, sossidges, beans, hash browns, tomatoes, bread n butter and a cuppa is £6. The clientele is mostly truckers, bikers and cabbies. There's no vegetarian food.
Accessibility: Level access to caff from road.
See also:
Last visited by DrHyde, May 2016. Opening hours provided by an anonymous visitor, October 2009.
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Last edited 2023-09-05 12:16:12
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