Chez Monique, WC1V 7DX
- 7 Little Turnstile
Now closed; was a greasy spoon cafe hidden down a back alley behind Holborn Station. As of September 2009 the site is undergoing refurbishment under the name of Holborn Lily Cafe photo.
The information below is retained for people who want to know what it used to be like.
Greasy spoon cafe hidden down a back alley behind Holborn Station.
DrHyde visited on a Friday lunchtime in December 2008. I only popped in here (to play Go) because the pub I normally use at lunchtime (the Ship on Gate Street) was heaving. And I'm glad I did. Chez Monique has steamed-up windows, formica tables, and serves proper builders' tea in big mugs, all of which are signs of Quality. I shall have to come back some time when I'm hungry so I can try their grease.
Last visited by DrHyde, 12 December 2008.
Last edited 2009-09-09 12:23:34
(version 8;
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