Picture of Spaniards Inn, NW3 7JJ

Historical version 7 of Spaniards Inn, NW3 7JJ (view current version)

Good Beer Guide pub. Claims to have 23 draught products, refreshingly few of which are standard lagers. Cask Marque plaque at entrance.

Keats is reputed to have written "Ode to a Nightingale" in the gardens, and Charles Dickens mentioned the Spaniards Inn in his novels. The gardens are superb, particularly in summer. They include an aviary!

Decent draught selection, including Harveys. Despite a really nice selection on tap I went for bottled beers on this occasion, of which there was an excellent selection too. The Goose Island IPA (a very floral/fruity American IPA) was delicious, and I was very glad to see Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier (a dark German smoked ale) and Fuller's Vintage Ale 2006 in the fridges too.

The food looked OK but not outstanding - good for most areas but not a patch on some of the other Hampstead and Highgate pubs.

Getting there:

  • it's on the road from Highgate to Hampstead, metres from Kenwood House;
  • the bus 210 runs past;
  • it's 10-15 minutes walk from Hampstead Station.

See also:

Last visited by [Joel]?, 1 March 2008.
OS X co-ord: 526645 OS Y co-ord: 187278 (Latitude: 51.569656 Longitude: -0.172447)
This is version 7 (as of 2008-03-03 10:39:05). View current version. List all versions.