Picture of Woodman, SW11 3HX

Historical version 14 of Woodman, SW11 3HX (view current version)

  • 020 7228 2968
  • 60 Battersea High Street, SW11 3HX (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
  • 11am-11pm Mon-Thu; 11am-midnight Fri; 10am-midnight Sat; noon-10:30pm Sun

A Hall & Woodhouse (Badger Ales) pub in Battersea.

A cosy front area, where the bar is situated, leads back up some stairs into a large, if long and thin, seating area with tables set up for dining. At the back is a beer garden.

Kake and Ewan visited on a Thursday evening in December 2008. Three of the four handpulls were on, offering Badger, Tanglefoot, and the seasonal Pickled Partridge (£3.25/pint). They also had several types of Hofbrau (HB), as well as Leffe, Stowford Press cider, and other options. Newspapers and magazines were available for reading.

ilmari visited for lunch and dinner several times during 2007, and found the food to be good. Big-screen sports was showing on at least one of these occasions.

Food is served noon-3pm and 6:30pm-10:30pm Monday to Thursday, and noon-10:30pm Friday to Sunday.

See also:

Last visited by Ewan and Kake, 18 December 2008. Opening hours and food times taken from Time Out website, April 2008.
OS X co-ord: 526929 OS Y co-ord: 176549 (Latitude: 51.473161 Longitude: -0.172216)
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