Historical version 2 of White Hart, E1 7RA (view current version)

A slightly shabby pub halfway between Aldgate East station and Brick Lane, making it a good rendezvous before a curry. Of course, the Pride of Spitalfields is even handier for Brick Lane, and serves a better range of better-kept real ales, which may tempt you elsewhere. Traditional decor, with decorative cask ends, portraits of Churchill etc. A large chalk board proclaims the availability of Thai food from 11:30 until 22:00. There were three real ales on tap in November 2008, averagely kept. A pint of Spitfire cost £3.40.

Last visited by elvum on 24 November 2008.
OS X co-ord: 533934 OS Y co-ord: 181410 (Latitude: 51.515234 Longitude: -0.069559)
This is version 2 (as of 2008-11-24 23:11:39). View current version. List all versions.