Historical version 3 of Unpackaged, E8 3NJ (view current version)

Unpackaged is a grocery store that wants to cut down on the amount of packaging we use. I went looking for it by bike the other day to check it out. It's a bit of a hidden gem, because its sign says 'Loyd's Dairy.' Anyhow, it's a small place, but it has all this very cool stuff - things you'd cook/bake with, and then nice organic wines and then the raw materials to make your own detergents and soaps and things to clean with. It's not a vegan restaurant, but I think people who are vegan, or live that sort of lifestyle, will really like it in there.

Comment by Kake: Could the author of this page identify themselves, please? Ta!

Comment added by Secretlondon: Google finds real place, 42 amwell street.

This is version 3 (as of 2009-08-12 21:36:51). View current version. List all versions.