Juliet Kemp
Historical version 1 of Southwark Tavern, SE1 1TU (view current version)
- 020 7403 0257
- 22 Southwark St, SE1 1TU
Pub just by Borough Market, near London Bridge Station. Reliably has real beer, a decent lager, and a couple of Belgian beers on tap; also usually has Fruli on tap. The downstairs has fantastic cubbyholes and is called the Debtors' Cellar. Usually very crowded immediately post-work; gets a bit less busy later on. Does very good sausages and mash at lunchtime and evenings (veggie option but sadly no vegan). There's a weekly pub quiz but I'm not sure which evening (Tuesday?).
Last visited by Juliet and others in spring 2007.
This is version 1
(as of 2007-07-10 20:29:28).
View current version.