Historical version 1 of Shaston Arms, W1F 7QN (view current version)
- 020 7287 2631
- 4 Ganton Street, W1F 7QN (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
A Hall & Woodhouse pub in Soho, just off Carnaby Street.
As expected from the location, this place gets extremely crowded after work, usually spilling out into the street, though there are plenty of tables down into this dark and narrow pub. It can be a bit of a mission trying to squeeze through to the bar area.
However, the bar staff are friendly and the beers are dependable and well-kept.
No sign of food.
See also:
Last visited by Ewan, Jo and others, early 2008.
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This is version 1
(as of 2008-04-24 13:09:13).
View current version.