Picture of Salisbury, N4 1JX

Historical version 22 of Salisbury, N4 1JX (view current version)

  • 020 8800 9617
  • 1 Grand Parade, Green Lanes, N4 1JX (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
  • 5pm-midnight Mon-Wed; 5pm-1am Thu; 5pm-2am Fri; noon-2am Sat; noon-11:30pm Sun

Pub in Harringay, also known as the "Salisbury Hotel".

It's a Grade II* listed building, and it's also on CAMRA's national inventory of historically-interesting pub interiors.

Food served from 6pm weekdays and all day on weekends.

See also:

Opening hours and food times taken from the 2008 Good Beer Guide.
OS X co-ord: 531785 OS Y co-ord: 188709 (Latitude: 51.581339 Longitude: -0.097780)
This is version 22 (as of 2011-09-17 13:12:06). View current version. List all versions.