Picture of Old Coffee House, W1F 9SF

Historical version 2 of Old Coffee House, W1F 9SF (view current version)

Pub on Beak Street in Soho. We went for a drink here on the strength of the "real ales from our own micro brewery" advertised on the sign outside — sadly, said real ales were not in evidence, though they did have Wadworth 6X, Harveys Sussex Best, and Marston Pedigree.

We were there in the late evening, and it was low-lit and rather shabby in a Soho kind of way. It was a Tuesday, and not very busy.

Don't know if they do food.

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Last visited 17 July 2007 by Kake, Bob, Alison, and James.
OS X co-ord: 529343 OS Y co-ord: 180944 (Latitude: 51.512115 Longitude: -0.135863)
This is version 2 (as of 2008-03-20 20:27:46). View current version. List all versions.