Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 10 and Version 3 of Newham Showcase

Version 10 Version 3
== Line 0 == == Line 0 ==
Cinema at the edge of [[Locale Beckton|Beckton]], in a small shopping precinct just off the A13. Despite its name, it's at the very border of the London Borough of Newham.
Cinema in East London. Very large and soulless, with the obligatory bowling alley attached. Conveniently close to the council tip. In case you want to see the latest big films, it's the only English-language cinema for several miles.
== Line 2 == == Line 2 ==
With 14 screens, it's very large and rather soulless (it seems to be going for a 50s vibe), with the obligatory bowling alley attached. It is at least spacious and clean inside and staff are friendly, if perhaps undermotivated. Screens are comfortable with seats that recline slightly. In case you want to see the latest big films, it's the only English-language cinema for several miles, and is the only Showcase cinema in London (for those thankfully rare occasions when only Showcase is screening a film).
Served by the 262 bus, but it's clear from the parking space that you're expected to drive to get here. Go to the A13/A406 junction, take the eastbound A13 slip road, and turn sharp left about a hundred yards after the roundabout, then circle round to the right.
== Line 4 == == Line 4 ==
It is served by the 325 and 366 bus routes (and close to the 173), but it's clear from the parking space that you're expected to drive to get here. Go to the A13/A406 junction, take the eastbound A13 slip road, and turn sharp left about a hundred yards after the roundabout, then circle round to the right. Alternatively it's a half-hour walk from [[Barking Station]] but you need to be attentive to the map.

See also:
* [
http://londonnet.co.uk/cinema/showcasenewham.html Film times from LondonNet]
* [http://www.qype.co.uk/place/78950 Qype comments]

<div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[Ewan]], June 2015.</div>

[http://londonnet.co.uk/cinema/newhamshowcase.html Film times from LondonNet]
== Line 13 == == Line 7 ==
edit_type='Minor tidying'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 15 == == Line 9 ==
formatted_website_text='locations/newham" class="external">showcasecinemas.co.uk/...'
formatted_website_text='pages/newham.phtml">http://www.showcasecinemas.co.uk/pages/newham.phtml '
== Line 18 == == Line 13 ==
== Line 23 ==
== Line 24 == == Line 24 ==
website='http://www.showcasecinemas.co.uk/pages/newham.phtml' website='http://www.showcasecinemas.co.uk/locations/newham' website='http://www.showcasecinemas.co.uk/pages/newham.phtml' website='http://www.showcasecinemas.co.uk/locations/newham'

Cinema in East London. Very large and soulless, with the obligatory bowling alley attached. Conveniently close to the council tip. In case you want to see the latest big films, it's the only English-language cinema for several miles.

Served by the 262 bus, but it's clear from the parking space that you're expected to drive to get here. Go to the A13/A406 junction, take the eastbound A13 slip road, and turn sharp left about a hundred yards after the roundabout, then circle round to the right.

Film times from LondonNet

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