Picture of Manor Arms, SW4 6ED

Historical version 15 of Manor Arms, SW4 6ED (view current version)

  • 128 Clapham Manor Street, SW4 6ED (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
  • 1pm-11:30pm Mon-Thu Oct-Mar; 4pm-11:30pm Mon-Thu Apr-Sep; noon-1am Fri-Sat; noon-11pm Sun

Pub in Clapham, up a side road from the main street. It's quite small and dark inside. There's a patio out the front, and (according to the interweb) a garden out the back with a marquee.

Kake and Ben visited on a Wednesday afternoon in April 2009. There were a few other people in, probably locals/regulars. A TV was showing sport with the sound on. Service was friendly.

Two of the handpumps were off, but the others offered Hopback Summer Lightning (£3.20 for two halves), Ringwood Best, and Sharp's Doom Bar.

We sat out the front in the enclosed beer garden/patio, and debated over whether it actually counted as a beer garden or not. The final verdict was along the lines of "probably, yes, but only because it's on a quiet road rather than a noisy one".

As of December 2007 they don't do any food at all.

According to the Pubs Galore comments linked below, as of August 2010 there's a quiz every other Thursday from 8pm.

Accessibility: Two steps up to get in.

See also:

Last visited by Kake and Ben, 20 May 2009. Opening hours taken from the 2007 Good Beer Guide. Lack of food confirmed by phone, December 2007.
OS X co-ord: 529606 OS Y co-ord: 175596 (Latitude: 51.463988 Longitude: -0.134039)
This is version 15 (as of 2010-09-26 22:33:45). View current version. List all versions.