Picture of Lara, W4 1LS

Historical version 5 of Lara, W4 1LS (view current version)

Middle Eastern restaurant near Turnham Green Station. It does normal kebab takeaway as well as being a restaurant. This used to be Andy's.

bob visited on Wednesday lunchtime at about noon and was the only customer. I had the Hiko menu for £9.45. You get to choose a starter and a main from a choice of five. I had the hummous to start, which was very light and fluffy, not at all bitty. The chilli oil added a welcome kick. For my main I had kofte, served with chips and couscous. The kofte were very good, nicely spiced. The chilli sauce is quite chunky but has enough of a kick.

I then had dessert of sutlac (£3.45), which is a light and airy rice pudding. It was very good.

A large bottle of water is £2.95. I was also given some some olives and some pitta and some sauce before my starter. With my bill I got two pieces of pistachio Turkish delight.

Verdict: bob would come here again.

See also:

Last visited by Bob, 27 August 2008.
OS X co-ord: 521230 OS Y co-ord: 178837 (Latitude: 51.494976 Longitude: -0.253454)
This is version 5 (as of 2008-09-20 18:07:55). View current version. List all versions.