Historical version 4 of Jolly Farmers, SE13 6LE (view current version)

A nice, traditional pub with a beer garden, a quiz machine, and several real ales on draught including a few fruity, strong ales. About 15-20 min from Lewisham station (zone 2), about 5 from Ladywell (zone 3).

I need to go back and investigate the food situation and if any veg*n options are available. There are comfy sofas and the staff are really nice. Perfect for lazy, rainy Sunday afternoons.

I updated this page mainly to motivate myself to go back when I'm drinking ale again and take better notes!

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Last visited late May 2007 by Bec.
OS X co-ord: 537995 OS Y co-ord: 174885 (Latitude: 51.455615 Longitude: -0.013614)
This is version 4 (as of 2007-06-04 20:36:58). View current version. List all versions.