Picture of Jolly Farmers, SE13 6LE

Historical version 20 of Jolly Farmers, SE13 6LE (view current version)

  • 020 8690 8402
  • 354 Lewisham High Street, SE13 6LE (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
  • 11am-11pm Mon-Sat; noon-10:30pm Sun

A nice, traditional pub in Lewisham. It's about 15-20 minutes' walk from Lewisham station (zone 2), and about 5 from Ladywell (zone 3). The original hanging sign indicates it was once called "The Jordan" (though we confirmed with a staff member on our October 2008 visit that it's definitely called the Jolly Farmers now).

It has a beer garden, a quiz machine, and five handpumps. They have a selection of good wines as well, and in general this pub is much better than the nearby Fox & Firkin for quality of drinks (it's just more expensive) and is also a fair bit quieter.

Kake, Ewan, secretlondon, her welshness, and James visited on a Friday evening in October 2008. Four of the five handpumps were on, offering Young's Ordinary and Special, Doom Bar (£2.80/pint), and Archers Golden. Kake had no trouble finding a table on arrival a little after 6pm, though most if not all of the seats in the pub were taken by the time we left around 8pm.

The decor is perhaps a little sparse, with large bare wooden tables, and it was quite well-lit on our evening visit, but it doesn't feel unwelcoming, and its small size means it still feels fairly cosy.

As of February 2008, food was served noon-3:30pm Tuesday to Friday, and 12:30-3pm Sunday; though according to the BITE comments linked below, there was a change of management in September 2008 and so this may no longer be the case.

There also used to be comfy sofas - were these still there on our most recent visit? Kake didn't notice any.

Expect to find off-duty doctors and nurses in here, as it's right next door to a university hospital.

See also:

Last visited by Ewan, Kake, secretlondon, her welshness, and James, 31 October 2008.
OS X co-ord: 537995 OS Y co-ord: 174885 (Latitude: 51.455615 Longitude: -0.013614)
This is version 20 (as of 2008-11-04 12:38:39). View current version. List all versions.