Historical version 1 of Hare And Tortoise, WC1N 1AF (view current version)

Decent enough Japanese place doing relatively cheap food. Service was a little slow. We also had to queue for about 10 minutes to get a table at 13:30 on a tuesday afternoon.

The spicy chicken sticks were underwhelming and not very spicy. The Eel nigiri was fine. The Curry Laska noodles were very tasty at £5.25.

The vegetarian in the party was well catered for.

[http://manne.typepad.com/tummyrumble/2005/12/hare_tortoise_m.html review by manne]

Last visted by bob, dean and matt on 09 May 2007. Prices from the website. Opening times from a business card
OS X co-ord: 530294 OS Y co-ord: 182264 (Latitude: 51.523760 Longitude: -0.121677)
This is version 1 (as of 2007-05-09 19:15:59). View current version.