Historical version 1 of Green Man, W1F 8SR (view current version)
- 020 7479 7991
- 57 Berwick Street, W1F 8SR (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
A busy pub off Oxford Street, at the top of Berwick Street.
There's nothing remarkable about this pub, except that it hasn't been done up with any pretensions to the media crowd that dominates after-work drinking in Soho. Instead, it's just a large pub with some booth seating in the back room (away from the bar), and plenty of bar stools. Its location ensures that it gets busy, however, and it doesn't help that sports are shown.
There are several ales on handpump, including London Pride, Jenning's Cumberland Ale and something else (on a visit in June 2008), as well as the usual draught lagers. Prices are as expected for this part of town.
There's a food menu as well, basic pub stuff.
See also:
Last visited by Ewan and work colleagues, 6 June 2008.
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This is version 1
(as of 2008-06-09 13:02:11).
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