Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 9 and Version 8 of Grapes, SW18 1DX

Version 9 Version 8
== Line 16 == == Line 16 ==
category='Beer Gardens,Food Served Lunchtimes,Good Beer Guide,Good Beer Guide 2007,Good Beer Guide 2008,Good Beer Guide 2009,Pubs,Real Ale,Smoking Area,Young's'
edit_type='Minor tidying'
category='Beer Gardens,Food Served Lunchtimes,Good Beer Guide,Good Beer Guide 2007,Good Beer Guide 2008,Pubs,Real Ale,Smoking Area,Young's'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 20 == == Line 20 ==
== Line 25 == == Line 25 ==

A Young's pub in Wandsworth, in the Good Beer Guide.

This pub, housed in a rather attractive old building near the Council offices, is a single wood-panelled room inside, with banquettes around the side, some tables and a bar in the centre. There is a small beer garden area out the back. Clientele are largely propped along the bar area, and it has the friendly feel of a neighbourhood local.

There is a TV screen showing sport, but on our August 2008 visit the sound was not on, though there was some pleasant music playing quietly in the background.

The only ale on handpump is Young's ordinary and Young's Special (£3.10/pint). Lagers are basic Foster's and Kronenbourg options.

No food in the evenings.

See also:

Last visited by Ewan and Jo, 13 August 2008. Opening hours taken from the 2007 Good Beer Guide. Lack of evening food verified by phone, February 2008.

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