Picture of Fresh Pizza Company, Victoria Station

Historical version 4 of Fresh Pizza Company, Victoria Station (view current version)

Pizza place in Victoria Station. Mainly notable for its all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet, which is served until 10:30am and costs £4.70 as of October 2007 (drinks are extra; a pot of tea is £1.30).

On the morning of our visit, the hot buffet ("meat buffet") offered hash browns (replaced at one point by chips), beans, bacon, sausages, fried eggs, fried mushrooms, fried (fresh) tomatoes, and toast. The toast was actually quite good, cut thickly from a decent enough loaf and not soggy at all.

There was also a cold buffet ("veg buffet") with fruit and stuff, which our party entirely ignored. I don't know if you're allowed to mix and match, or if you're meant to stick to one or the other.

Despite the sign at the entrance asking people to wait to be seated, we were there at the tail end of serving time, when it was fairly empty, so we ended up just wandering in, grabbing plates and food, and seating ourselves. They did take ages to get around to coming and offering us drinks (some of us had already finished eating).

We've not actually tried the pizza here, since we've only been for breakfast. Suspect it's nothing special.

To get here, go up the escalator next to Upper Crust, go along a bit, and go up again to the top floor.
Last visited by Kake, Bob, Billy, Adam, Martin, Nick, etc, 19 October 2007. Prices and breakfast times confirmed on that visit.

Comment added by Kake: Bob says the fried eggs were overcooked.

Comment added by secretlondon: Is this the branch in the food court of Victoria Plaza? If so - I went there today and the pizza was poor. The buffet did include fruit and salad though.

Comment added by secretlondon: The ceiling seems to be the same as outside Molly O'Grady's which makes me think this is the Victoria Plaza food court, rather than the actual station.

OS X co-ord: 528844 OS Y co-ord: 178933 (Latitude: 51.494155 Longitude: -0.143786)
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