Picture of Forest Hill Tavern, SE22 0RS

Historical version 5 of Forest Hill Tavern, SE22 0RS (view current version)

  • 020 8693 0330
  • 108 Forest Hill Road, SE22 0RS (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
  • 11-11 Sunday to Thursday, 11-Late Friday/ Saturday

Pub on Forest Hill Road in East Dulwich, just south of [Peckham Rye Park]?.

Under New Management as of 22nd January 2011.

It's a traditional British pub, with polished floorboards, big leather sofas in the "snug", and lots of dark wood. There's a Large beer garden with decking and lots of tables.

Real Ale is £3 a pint, draught beers are £3.10 to £3.35. A glass of wine is £3.50. House Doubles are also avaliable for £3.50.

The main food menu is served Monday to Saturday all day till 7, plus other items on a specials board.

£5 Roasts are served on Sundays from 12-6 which really are real value for money

Service is also very friendly and helpful.

The Pub is also avaliable for functions.

Accessibility for wheelchair users is avaliable.

See also:

Last visited by Kake, 20 October 2008.
OS X co-ord: 534873 OS Y co-ord: 174351 (Latitude: 51.451568 Longitude: -0.058729)
This is version 5 (as of 2011-04-05 15:41:28). View current version. List all versions.