Historical version 6 of Costa Coffee, WC1B 4BL (view current version)

Coffee shop on Southampton Row in Holborn.

Quiet background music and advertises free wifi (which seems to need a wep key).

secretlondon visited on a Sunday evening in December 2008. She had a large gingerbread latte (£2.80), a gorgonzola and vegetable panini (£3.90) and a slice of Christmas chocolate cake (£2.30).

Last visited by secretlondon, January 2009.
OS X co-ord: 530361 OS Y co-ord: 181836 (Latitude: 51.519898 Longitude: -0.120870)
This is version 6 (as of 2009-01-12 09:09:46). View current version. List all versions.