Picture of Cantina, WC1B 4DA

Historical version 10 of Cantina, WC1B 4DA (view current version)

Cafe, restaurant, and takeaway on Southampton Row near Holborn Station.

secretlondon visited on a Sunday afternoon in December 2008. Although the opening times in the window state that it's closed on Sundays, it was certainly open at 4pm on the Sunday of my visit.

Inside, there are black tables and leather stools and benches. Dance music was playing.

They serve pizza, but it's the toasted fold-over kind photo. Although they were advertising all pizza and pasta dishes at £4.50, I was charged £5 for my pizza, and when I challenged this it turned out that the £4.50 offer was the takeaway price. A large latte was £2.

See also:

Last visited by secretlondon, December 2008. Opening times taken from menu in window, December 2008.
OS X co-ord: 530388 OS Y co-ord: 181703 (Latitude: 51.518697 Longitude: -0.120530)
This is version 10 (as of 2012-08-09 11:11:22). View current version. List all versions.