Picture of Anchor, SE1 9EF

Historical version 8 of Anchor, SE1 9EF (view current version)

Pub on Bankside near London Bridge. The best thing about it is the large seating area outside, right next to the river. The pub itself is not what it used to be some years ago, but still good for sitting outside with a beer in the summer — as long as you get there early to grab a seat, and don't mind the rather clueless service.

See also:

Last visited by Kake, Nick, and other Perlmongers, September 2006.
OS X co-ord: 532430 OS Y co-ord: 180430 (Latitude: 51.506780 Longitude: -0.091591)
This is version 8 (as of 2008-02-25 21:51:01). View current version. List all versions.