Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 9 and Version 8 of Cineworld Wood Green

Version 9 Version 8
== Line 19 == == Line 19 ==
== Line 21 == == Line 21 ==
== Line 23 == == Line 23 ==

Cinema in The Mall, a shopping centre in Wood Green.

The easiest way to find it is to enter The Mall by the entrance on the east side of the road near WHSmith, and go up the escalator. The cinema is behind you as you reach the top.

Inside, there is a box office area by the entrance (almost never open), though above it the film times are displayed on boards. Tickets can be purchased from staff at the refreshments counter (or the separate ice-cream booth down the end), or from one of the machines opposite.

There are 12 screens, three on the same level as the ticket booths, and the other nine downstairs via escalators (or lifts) from the lobby. All are broadly similar aside from the capacities, generally with a number of rows available at the front of the screen upon entering, along with places for wheelchairs, and the rest of the seating rising in raked rows from the entrance. Seats must be chosen upon purchasing the tickets, so customers will get a chance to select where they want to sit, and staff will be able to show the seating plan at this point to help guide one's choice.

Screen 3 was built with its own bar and lobby area, but in Ewan's experience this has never been open, and refreshments must be purchased from the main counters in the lobby. That screen has slightly comfier seats and more legroom.

See also:

Last visited by Ewan, June 2015.

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