Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 8 and Version 5 of Carvosso's At 210, W4 1PD

Version 8 Version 5
== Line 0 == == Line 0 ==
Restaurant and wine bar on the High Road in [[Locale Chiswick|Chiswick]] that has been replaced by a pub in [https://www.hot-dinners.com/201812057660/Gastroblog/Latest-news/crown-chiswick-pub-henry-harris-harlot 2019].
Restaurant and wine bar on the High Road in [[Locale Chiswick|Chiswick]].
== Line 2 ==
<div class="old_info">
== Line 12 ==
* [http://londonist.com/2010/08/london_uncorked_carvossos_at_210.php Londonist review]
== Line 14 ==
* [http://www.ChiswickW4.com/default.asp?section=leisure&page=revcarvosso001.htm ChiswickW4 review]
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category='Now Closed'
== Line 22 == == Line 18 ==
formatted_website_text='http://www.carvossosat210.co.uk/ '
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== Line 32 == == Line 32 ==
summary='Restaurant and wine bar on Chiswick High Road'
website='' website='http://www.carvossosat210.co.uk/'
phone='020 8995 9121'
postcode='W4 1PD'
website='' summary='Restaurant and wine bar on Chiswick High Road.'

Restaurant and wine bar on the High Road in Chiswick.

There are several distinct areas to Carvosso's: a restaurant area which can probably seat 30 people; a courtyard (which can be fully covered); and a bar area. bob also thinks there may be more rooms upstairs.

bob visited on a Monday lunchtime in September and had the three-course set lunch for £15.50. The onion soup was quite oniony photo, while the pasta was adequate and did have quite a bit of bacon photo. The trio of sorbets was pretty good photo. A portion of bread was 75p.

Lime and soda was £1.50.

Accessibility: There are at least three large steps up to the entrance. There is, however, a bell for assistance. bob suspects there maybe a level entrance round the back.

See also:

Last visited by bob, 22 September 2008.

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