Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 7 and Version 6 of Nunhead Station

Version 7 Version 6
== Line 16 == == Line 16 ==
== Line 18 == == Line 18 ==
== Line 20 == == Line 20 ==

Zone 2 rail station in South London. The Catford Loop Line branches off just east of here.

This station is notable for its excellent views over the whole London skyline which you can get from the eastbound platform (particularly in winter, when the trees are bare).

There is a small kiosk on the platform called Coffee Bay, which provides a small selection of newspapers, cold drinks and snacks (pre-packaged muffins, et al.). The coffee itself is best avoided though.

There are no barriers to entry/exit at this station, and the ticket office is only staffed at peak hours. There is only one ticket machine, and queues get quite long at busy times such as Monday mornings.

See also:

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