Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 6 and Version 5 of Ye Olde Watling, EC4M 9BR

Version 6 Version 5
== Line 0 == == Line 0 ==
Tiny [[Category Nicholson's|Nicholson's]] pub in the [[Locale City|City]], near [[Mansion House Station]], situated on a nice paved street (corner of Bow Lane and Watling Street). The interior has dark wood which gives the pub a warm feel and the big window areas let you enjoy the street lights.
Tiny pub in a nice paved street. The interior has dark wood which gives the pub a warm feel and the big window areas let you enjoy the street lights.
== Line 6 == == Line 6 ==
Not sure of the opening hours, but it was closed on the evening of Saturday 10 May 2008. It's probably only open weekdays, like most City pubs. Food is served 10am-10pm Monday-Friday, according to a board seen outside in June 2008.
Not sure of the opening hours, but it was closed on the evening of Saturday 10 May 2008.
== Line 14 == == Line 14 ==
category='Food Served Evenings,Food Served Lunchtimes,Nicholson's,Pubs,Real Ale'
category='Pubs,Real Ale'
== Line 20 == == Line 20 ==
== Line 22 == == Line 22 ==
== Line 24 == == Line 24 ==
== Line 30 == == Line 26 ==

Tiny pub in a nice paved street. The interior has dark wood which gives the pub a warm feel and the big window areas let you enjoy the street lights.

Busy bar area with not much space to sit. There is also one other room downstairs.

Nice staff, serving quickly.

Not sure of the opening hours, but it was closed on the evening of Saturday 10 May 2008.

See also:

Last visited by Aurelien, some time in 2007.

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